

In the realm of physiotherapy, Dr. Amna stands out as a seasoned professional with over two years of experience at Physiogic Physiotherapy Clinic. Her journey began with a graduation from The University of Lahore, where she laid the foundation for her career in healthcare. Let’s delve into the details of Dr. Amna’s expertise and the exceptional care she provides to her patients.

Education and Certifications

Dr. Amna’s educational background is rooted in excellence, having graduated from The University of Lahore. Complementing her degree, she holds certifications as a Fitness Expert (Strength and Conditioning Level 1) and is Basic Life Support certified. These credentials underscore her commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in her field.

Clinical Experience

The hands-on experience gained by Dr. Amna is a testament to her proficiency. She has contributed her skills to notable institutions such as the University of Lahore Teaching Hospital, Sehat Medical Complex, and Sir Gangaram Hospital. This diverse clinical exposure has enriched her understanding of various medical scenarios.

Treatment Techniques

Dr. Amna employs a multifaceted approach to treatment, utilizing an array of techniques and modalities. Manual therapy, Dry Needling, and Cupping therapy are among the techniques she adeptly applies. Furthermore, her use of electrical, mechanical, thermal, and cold appliances showcases a comprehensive approach to patient care.

Areas of Specialization

Specializing in pain management, rehabilitation, and musculoskeletal injuries, Dr. Amna addresses a wide range of conditions. From common issues like Tennis elbow to more complex cases such as Bell’s palsy, Frozen shoulder, and cerebral palsy in children, her expertise covers a diverse spectrum of ailments.

Patient-Centric Approach

What sets Dr. Amna apart is not just her technical proficiency but also her positive and empathetic attitude toward her patients. The human touch she brings to her practice fosters a sense of comfort and trust, essential elements in the healing process.

Commitment to Efficient Treatment

Dr. Amna’s commitment extends beyond routine care. She is dedicated to providing the most efficient treatment that yields optimal outcomes for her patients. This commitment is the driving force behind her continuous pursuit of excellence in the field of physiotherapy.

In conclusion, Dr. Amna’s journey as a physiotherapist is marked by a dedication to excellence and a compassionate approach to patient care. Her extensive education, diverse clinical experience, and commitment to employing varied treatment techniques make her a trusted healthcare professional.